Content - words and images, written or spoken, still or moving
Content Marketing - packaging up words and images into a useful format that can be used to attract new business
Align content with overall marketing strategies. Focus on business objectives and brand essence to ensure consistency
The art of communicating with your customers and prospects without selling. Also known as non-interruption marketing. Instead of pitching your products or services, you are delivering information that makes your buyer more intelligent. If businesses deliver consistent, ongoing, valuable information to buyers they ultimately reward us with their business and loyalty.
Great content builds trust, answers needs and supports lead generation and customer acquisition
Four methods of Content Marketing
Distribution - lead people to your content
Direct Marketing - put content in front of audience
Search marketing - make content easy to find
Social Media - to reach immediate collection. Through social sharing can extend that network further through keywords and hashtags
Content is the bridge between customer and company
Content for customers answers their search query.
Content for a company provides the information they want a customer to know about their business
Ideally want content to appear when they are searching. Need to know what tools the customers are searching and ensure content shows up in the search results.
Content needs to be in the place where audience is. These include Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
Understand your target audience
Allows you to focus on creating and distributing with focus to resonate for those strongly on those that are interested.
Target Audience: Age, Gender, Geography, Lifestyle, Behavior online and offline
Content Marketing: Educate, Inform Entertain and Guide